• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

View Region

Region: Unspecified ()
Country: Unspecified
Players in this region
# Name
1 ITS ME !
2 Kaos
3 !
4 !!xOxOElectricEllenOxOx!!
5 !EuPh0r1A!
6 !KAZ quick check n delete
7 !Z!
8 (!CE))
9 (330)anakedg
10 (414)NappyJin
11 (440)Ezzo
12 (630) Bob Earl
13 (907)MagicFeeT
14 (B90)1
15 (B90)KROA
16 (Kawaii)DJAD
17 (Kawaii)Yuh
18 (maxX) ddrmaster
19 (Sigma)VIIX
20 )(
22 *DvS*KiD*
23 *jingle*
24 *not good*
25 -Atma-
26 -Big Chris-
27 -carlitos-
28 -FIRE-
29 -frost-
30 -LoC- C
31 -Mystik-
32 -Paul-
33 -s00r-Xero
34 .
35 ...........
36 ...just some girl
37 ...Prox...
38 .:bluehombre:.
39 .:Fire_F3rY:.
40 .EXE
41 .OK
42 05C.71NY
43 0verKill
44 1
45 1-Up
46 10
47 11
48 12
49 123
50 13
51 1337
52 13IN
53 14
54 14kydd14
55 15
56 16
57 17
58 18
59 19
60 1firestorm1
61 2
62 20
63 21
64 222Unit
65 29
66 2mB
67 2xmetalbarFTW
68 3
69 3DD!3 J(**)3
70 3leftfeet
71 3v3!
72 4
73 42987
74 435_thug
75 4633
76 469.Maruku
77 4everSNOW
78 4PMRetro
79 5
80 54clubber
81 573man
82 5h34
83 5tar
84 6
85 6513893
86 7
87 7MON
88 8
89 8Bit
90 9
91 99 Problems ITG aint one
92 :) :(
93 :) AddrenalineITG
94 ??!?
95 ???
96 A N00B
97 a1upmushroom
98 aaaaaaaaaaa
99 Aalleexx
100 Aaron_Kwok
101 AART
102 Aavalancher
103 AB12
104 ABC!
105 abovdeath
106 Abrypt
107 Ac!d
108 Ace of Spades
109 AceofSpades
110 Acer
111 Acereny
112 Ace_of_Spades
113 Achernar
114 Achtung
116 ACZ!..
117 AdamSTF
118 ADavalosJR
119 ADBC
120 Addrenaline
121 Addricted
122 AdReNaLiNeRuSh(-_O)
123 AdventOfMusik
124 Aepeleh
125 AeriX
126 AeronPeryton
127 AFIB
128 Afronoia Nick
129 Agent Black
130 Agent Tommy
131 AgentUhOh7
132 AGO9
133 Ahi7.G3nGar
134 ahkem
135 aiminglow
136 Ainokea
137 Air PixXx
138 Airshort7
139 airspiritx
140 Ak1ra
141 akataaf
142 akg
143 Alasandra
144 Albert_C
145 aleex89
146 Alex
147 Alex Barg
148 alex gutierrrez
149 alexC
150 Alexos
151 Alexz0rs
152 Alezay
153 Alfred Lee
154 alienato90
155 alittlebrickwall
156 Alix
157 Alkene
158 Alleycatj12
159 alphabet55
160 AlphaOperator
161 als1701
162 aluminum
163 Alvin
164 amanie sabri
165 Amarant23
166 AmarisSkye
167 Amazing Flying Cat
168 ame
169 Amik
170 AMintyDragon
171 an ass
172 Ana Maria
173 Anarchy 2k
174 ancsik
175 AndE
176 AnDfrO45
177 andiwaslikedude
178 Andre
179 andrea de grandis
180 AndyRoo
181 Andy_P
182 Ang3lz
183 Angie17G
184 AngryBeard
185 angrymap
186 Ania Mar
187 Aniz
188 anjodassombras
190 Anonycat
191 Anonymouse
192 anti
193 antimony
194 antrope
195 ANTS
196 ant_soad_rocks
197 Anubis
200 aoeu
201 Aoi-chan
202 apendix21
203 aphrodite
204 APLE
205 apm is omg
206 APM70
207 AqUaRiUz
208 Aragom
209 arb
210 Arbiter
211 Arch
212 Archadium
213 Archerforthelord
214 ARES
215 arexcesar
216 argh
217 Argo
218 Arike
219 Arike*
220 ARIO
221 aRizzle
222 Arkadian
223 ark_keeper
224 Arlong
225 arnim
226 ArrowSmasherBradly
227 Arti
228 artty_mack
229 asdshds
230 asfl.Interrobang
231 Ash
232 ASJCDance
233 astashenko
234 Astro_Gal
235 ASW
236 Asymptote
238 Atma
239 Atuin Blue
240 augurus
241 auramei
242 Aurora!
243 Avaja
244 AvErAgE eric
245 Avery
246 AWE
247 awesomedotcom
248 Axam
249 Axel
250 AxioM
251 Axis
252 ayaitong
253 ayannah
254 ayli
255 Azeroth
256 AzN KaZi
257 aznboy101
258 Aznkid
259 AznPanda
260 Aztec8998
261 B C D E
262 b!zZy
263 Baal
264 Baby Yasu
265 BabyGUrl79
266 Backalley
267 Backlash-TCZ
268 badcatnobiscuit
269 baddwarf
270 Bad_J3lly
271 Baggage
272 Baker
273 ball
274 BaNg_BuNnY
275 baniz
276 Bar None
277 Barbie
278 bary
279 Bavs
281 BCDE
282 Beamoo
283 Bean
284 BEAR
285 Beastly125
286 Becky Ziebold
287 BedrockSolid
288 Bemaniac
289 BemaniFreak
290 ben
291 Benindetto
292 Benito
293 BENN
294 BenvolioZF
295 Beowulf
296 berkas
297 BerylVR
298 Betrarn
299 Beyond1Mind
300 BGYoshi
301 BHappy
302 Big Chris
303 Big D
304 Big Face
305 Big Red Machine
306 BigDaddy
307 Big_D
308 Billy Madison
309 billybob.insano
310 billyidol69
311 BiNK
312 Bitmap Brian
313 BJBillyX
314 BJBillyX2
315 bla
316 Blabbity
317 black man
318 Black MicMac
319 black nigga
320 Black Phoenix
321 blackjack
324 Blank
325 Blarg
326 blaze
327 BlazeNJ
328 blind-sk8er
329 blindskater
330 Blissful Chaos
331 BlitZKrieG
332 Blo0P
333 blobbo
334 Bloodbath
335 BloodInMyEyes
336 Bloodrush
337 bloubloub
338 bls!
339 Blue Impulse
340 blue.g0su
341 bLuEpInOy
342 BlueRawks
343 BlueRevolution
344 BLueSS
345 blue_tear_a
346 Bman
347 Bmxant
348 bnjy99
349 BNNY
350 Bob Barker
351 bob1234
352 bobbie
353 Bobby Boucher
354 bobbysworldfosho
355 Bobthebuilder
356 BobThePumpkin
357 bobynette
358 Bodo
359 bodymassage9
360 BoldlyBearded
361 boldo
362 Bolin
363 bond333
364 Bone
365 Bonzo
366 booboy
367 boobsey
368 BoomHeadshot
369 Boone - No Bar
370 Boots
371 Booyaka 619!
372 BORK
373 bornmayhem
374 Bouff_1
375 bowlerman5171
376 Boxy.stg
377 BR1
378 Braedenk
379 Brahmaparusha
380 Brallit
381 BrAnDo
382 brandons
383 bRaNkAt
384 Branstone
385 brcordeiro47
387 Brett
388 bridgechan
389 Briff
390 Brigg
391 Brii
392 Broken
393 Broken Tea Leaf
394 Brother Mojo
395 brucemason
396 brudner
397 BS
398 bse
399 bsphil
400 btch69
401 btvsfanatic
402 Bubi
403 buddha19
404 BulletTurtle
405 Bumblesteps
406 Bumpysbro
407 bungee
408 BuNghoLe
409 bungie
410 bunny
411 Buns
412 Burnningthings3
413 BustaWolf
415 butta2k3
416 butts lmao
417 buzzert
418 C0UnTPwNaGe
419 CA!T
420 Caboose
421 Cade
422 cador8832
423 cafii
424 Caim
425 Cake
426 Calculator0
427 Cale
428 cali_surfer_788
429 Calvin Klein
430 camerone
431 Cammy540
432 Camo
433 Canagape
434 canmewda
435 CannedSkittles
436 Canuck05
437 canufeelthebeat
438 captain
439 Captain Slack
440 CaptainCanada
441 Carbs1
442 cardmagician
443 Carl
444 cartoonhero_604
445 case
446 CaseyDidder
447 Cash
448 casino147
449 CASman
450 caster-san
451 catcat
452 CatchRothy22
453 ccr
454 Cebman
455 CeL!@
456 CelUnknown
457 ceralbox
458 cesarnoso
459 CFAC 317
460 cfusionpm
461 CHA
462 chaconeitor
463 Chad in Japan
464 Chance
465 Chaos
466 Chaosdefiance
467 ChaosDimension
468 chaosking
469 Chaos_Spike
470 characteriswatch
471 CharlesPr
472 CharlieWoo
473 Chase
474 Cheezmcallister
475 Chesscar
476 ChessWhiz
477 ChessWhiz (CF no-bar)
478 Chesterforever
479 Chew13acca
480 chewcacca
481 chi
482 Chicken
483 Chief Iron Belly
484 Chief IronBelly
485 ChiffonVelvet
486 Chilly
487 ChinaBrian
488 ching
489 Chipmunk
490 ChipmunksOnAccid
491 chipp
492 Chiron
493 Chise_Chan_
494 Chives
495 choko
496 Choujij
497 Chrillicus
498 Chrisco Tek
499 chriscotek
500 chrisdanford
501 christian vial
503 Chrono
504 Chubs101
505 Chuck Norris
506 chusuk
507 Cid6905
508 CidGregor
509 CIP
510 cire
511 civaxwdgi
512 Cizan
513 Ckie Mnstr
514 CKN
515 cknowles32
516 clairmont
517 clams
518 classgames
519 claudizzle
520 Cloud9
521 CloudX925
522 cmcm
523 CMG
524 CMPR
525 Coal
526 CoasterMaster
527 CoCa
528 COKE
529 coldfish
530 Colin Lyon
531 Colorblind.Seiteki
532 ColorOfSakura
533 comite
534 Conan the Barbarian
535 conkerr68
536 Conzertmastair
537 Cookese
538 Cool1
539 coold8
540 CoolKid27
541 cOoLzAc_55
542 CopperPuppy
543 Corey
544 Corey wedge
545 coreyrox101
547 Corrected for Syncing
548 Corsair
550 counterfeit soda
551 Crab Raccoon
552 craig
553 crayfox
554 Crazian
555 Crazy Crisco
556 Crazy Tits
557 crazy8s
558 crazyhalfasian
559 Crazylegz
560 crazyness
561 CrEADShaCK
562 CreamChester
563 Creamy Goodness
564 Crevolous
565 Crewe
566 Crimsonomnipotence
567 cristian989
568 critikalxx
570 Crocker
571 Crowbar
572 crryosleepfreak07
573 CruncheR
574 Crymsyn
575 cryptomayhem
576 CryptopsyBodom
577 crzylgz
578 csnsc14320
579 CthuluNoodle
580 Cully
581 CuoReNeRo
582 Cyberstorm
583 Cymepkee
584 Cynic
585 Cyrus
586 c_wraith
587 D Bone
588 d.black soul
589 D.Girl
590 D.J Vest
591 d0m3n
592 D1
593 D13
594 D2RTeen17
595 D4rkzSh4dowz
596 da12
597 Dack
598 DaedalusIkari
599 Daft
600 Daganfox
601 Daisuke-Niwa
602 DAK!
603 DaKaptinOwange
604 DaKaptinOwnage
605 Dale
606 DALE.Dale
607 Dalled
608 Dalzhim
609 damac2k2
610 Damien (no bar)
611 damnitzxavier
612 damus unlimited
613 dan24
614 dancerjm321
615 DancingTrumpet
616 dancinwhiteboy
617 daniela
618 Daniil
619 Danilla
620 Danny?
621 DannyBoy
622 DannyLee
623 DANS!!! (no bar)
625 DanSucks.MMZ
626 DanW
627 dapoochiman
628 Dark
629 Dark Angel
630 Dark Apocalypse
631 Dark DDR Master
632 Dark Kitsune
633 Dark Rubes
634 dark)word
635 DarkAmdusias
636 darkchao56
637 darkchasm
638 Darkdog444
639 DarkDragonKnight
640 DarkDreamer42
641 DarkJesus
642 DarkKnight2ggah
643 Darkmage
644 DarkNick
645 darknote alternate
646 DaRkRaVeNgUrL
647 darKrevolt
648 Dash
649 David Czinner
650 david1109
651 davidgiza2003
652 DavidScann
653 DawnIgnited
654 Da_WhoO_Kid
656 ddjrico489
657 DDK3452
658 ddotccDPU
659 DDR King
660 ddr prodigy
661 ddraddict
662 DDRaddict1987
663 DDRFlip
664 ddrman1
665 ddrman123
666 DDRMan132
667 DDRNaoki
668 ddrnewb
669 DDRPlayer43
670 DDRRyan
671 DDRSaki
672 DDR_Freak89
673 ddr_hawk
674 ddr_hero
675 deadnow
676 decay159
677 Decrepit Omen
679 DeepBlueSea
680 deep_in_math
681 deeta
682 def-one
683 DeKoKai
684 Delete
685 Delete Me
687 deleted010
688 deletemeplease
689 deletepleeeeeze
690 Delta
691 DeltaOperative
692 Dem0niC
693 DEM101
694 Demitri Omni
695 demo
696 Demon Toast
697 Demons_haunt_red_moon
698 demon_bryant
699 dendae005
700 Dennis Rodman
701 depo
702 Depp
703 Derek -X-
704 Derrike
705 Desert17
706 DestructionPanCAKE
707 DetectiveconanX2
708 Deuce
709 Devilize
710 devilon
711 DevinC
712 DF2K
713 DGC PiNoY
714 dgfsdf
715 DHB - Der Jaeger
716 dhfjdghjgdj
717 Di0s
718 Dice
719 dieKatze88
720 digitized entei
721 Dijit
722 Dimitri13
723 Dino
724 Dino(im the real dyno!)
725 Dipstick
726 Dirksade
727 Dirty Deeds
728 DirtyNeedles
729 Disbelief
730 DiscoBobbyPARANOiA
731 DiscoCorpse
732 DisconnectedRiA
733 disco_bombing
734 Dissonance
735 Dizz
736 DJ 9-Volt
737 DJ Beasty
738 DJ Blue Fire
739 DJ Buttaflye
740 dj Chef
742 DJ Crufix
743 DJ Darkknight
744 DJ Drew
745 DJ Era
746 DJ Era (Home Version)
747 DJ FMF
748 DJ gearwitch
749 dj HaQ
750 Dj Hisoka
751 dj jack
752 DJ JS
753 DJ Katy
754 DJ Mind_tricK
755 DJ N-Seption
756 Dj NaSh
759 Dj Shinobi
760 DJ Sterf
761 Dj Sway
762 dj Tifaheart
763 DJ-Q
764 Dj.Sylnc
765 dj.zero
766 dj.\/\/Spica
767 DJBladereaper
768 DJDataTec
769 DJFX
770 djgil
771 DJHavok
772 DJMarkIIDx
773 djpc
775 DjStunna
776 DJX
777 DJZylch
778 dj_asian_rebirth
779 dj_bent
780 Dj_ChaOs_916
781 DJ_Kitty_31
782 Dj_SiF
784 DMN
785 Dmoz
786 dm_iidx
787 dna
788 dnac10
789 dnice
790 DOC
791 DoctorJay
792 DojoMax
793 dom
794 domaug
795 Dominator
796 donkeyslayer
797 dontknowdontcare
798 dontknowyoudontcareto
799 DonVentu
800 DoomsDay Dragon.Elite
801 DoomsDay Dragon.Tweety
802 DoomsDay Dragon.Warrior
803 Dora The Explorer
804 dorkzilla
805 DoubleJ126
806 Doublez
807 dpmusik15
808 Dr. Drizzle
809 Dr. MaxX
810 Dr.J
811 DracoOfZeradaith
812 Dragon
813 DrAgOnOfLoRe
815 Drastick
816 DrDDR627
817 DrDre
818 Dre$ki
819 Drea
820 Dream
821 Dreamcatcher
822 Drevox
823 Drew
824 DREWspeedymix
825 drk3
826 DrOoPy
827 Drop Out NW260
828 DROX
829 drugsbunny_16
830 DrunkenMonkey469
832 dsadsafdsa
833 dsdgfsfdgsd
834 DSG.Drewtagonist
836 DTsoldier5
837 DuB Stuff Oreos
838 DuballDee
839 duCk
840 duck_butter
841 Dude
842 Duelist
843 dufF
844 Dummo
845 Dundes
846 DuoKaizane
847 Duplicate
848 Dutch*Tommy*CyBeRRoy
849 Dyaus
850 Dyaus Blender
851 Dylan
852 Dyne
853 DYNO
854 Dyogenez
855 E.M.E-Lionheart
857 ebbe
858 EBON
859 EBT
860 Echo
861 ECKK:P
862 Ecks
863 Eclipse
864 edwincito
865 egginthegroover
866 eggwave
867 eindamut
868 Einhander719
869 Einstein
870 EJB
871 EJBB
872 el miyagi (controller)
873 ElderOfNar
874 element123
875 Elf
876 Elisa
877 Eli_Taenvir
878 elliotbay2359
879 elmer159
880 elmoi
881 Elric
882 Emblem
883 Emerald Dragon
884 EmergenceOfChaos
885 emjay
886 emo
887 emobarbie666
888 eModude_0101
889 emogyrlana91x
890 EMP!
891 Endless_Nothing
892 Enigma
893 Ennui
894 enojy
895 EnragedSloth
896 Envious
897 envision
898 Envy
899 envy_sds
900 Enz0
901 Epicureial Herara
902 epik_559
903 eric
904 eric!
905 Eruanna
906 Esc
907 etchasketch
908 Eternal
909 Ethan Lane
910 Ethereal
911 etherstyle
912 Etude
913 eu4ria
914 eva091
915 evan4life
916 evan8642
917 evanescence5216
918 EventHorizon997
919 Ever
920 EvilAngel00
921 Evilnemesis
922 Evilpedestrian26
923 Evilredman
924 Evisu
925 Evo
926 Evo_Matt
927 Exarius
928 exdia16
929 eximworks
930 exlmonoexl
931 Exodus
932 experteez
933 ExternalMax
934 ExternalParanoia
935 ExtremeDDR
936 E_clip_se
937 F Destroyer
938 F.E.P.J.
939 F33K
940 FA-Q
941 fabe_himself
942 Fabio04
943 Fade
944 FadedShadow
945 Fagulhas
946 Faith
947 faith_amor
948 Fake Poster
949 fakezb
950 FallenAngelG
951 FALN
952 FantasticArmada1
953 FantasticArmada10
954 FantasticArmada11
955 FantasticArmada12
956 FantasticArmada13
957 FantasticArmada14
958 FantasticArmada15
959 FantasticArmada16
960 FantasticArmada17
961 FantasticArmada18
962 FantasticArmada19
963 FantasticArmada2
964 FantasticArmada20
965 FantasticArmada21
966 FantasticArmada22
967 FantasticArmada23
968 FantasticArmada24
969 FantasticArmada25
970 FantasticArmada26
971 FantasticArmada27
972 FantasticArmada28
973 FantasticArmada3
974 FantasticArmada30
975 FantasticArmada31
976 FantasticArmada4
977 FantasticArmada5
978 FantasticArmada50
979 FantasticArmada6
980 FantasticArmada7
981 FantasticArmada8
982 FantasticArmada9
983 Fantasy X
984 Farren
985 Fatali
986 Fatal_X
987 Fatguy
988 Father-Anderson
989 fatmexican19
990 Faty
991 Fayed
992 fcgmbb@fagcwi.com
993 FcOxFrOmTj
994 fdaghsfsefe
995 FeB
996 Fecs
997 Fedor
998 feelthefear
999 Felix!!!
1000 Felixerik
1001 Felx
1002 Fender
1003 Feri
1004 ffhrt50
1005 ffhrt500
1006 fhorn4ever
1007 Fictional Funeral
1008 fidoxevil
1009 fie
1010 Final Noob
1011 finalfantasymaster49
1012 Finny
1014 Fixxx
1015 FKK Reed
1016 FKK. K3N7
1017 FKK.carrot
1019 Flare
1020 Flash
1021 flclsteve
1022 Fleadh Forever!
1023 FLIP0325
1024 fLiPiNoY
1025 flippinadam
1026 flipside1987
1027 floppy
1028 floppyjack
1030 flunk09
1031 FLYING f33t
1032 flyr
1033 FNTM
1034 Fokusnik
1035 Forsaken
1036 Fourteen Crosstown
1037 Fox
1038 foyboy21
1039 fr0ggeh
1040 frag
1041 francese
1042 Francowharever
1043 franky OH YA
1044 frank_z4
1045 freckles
1046 Freddy!
1047 Freed
1048 freedom72
1049 FreeStep
1050 FreXzor
1051 freyer22
1052 Freyr
1053 Friction
1054 frika
1055 FrIx
1056 Friz
1057 FroD
1058 Frontalittle
1059 FrootLoop
1060 frost
1061 FrostBight
1062 Frosty555
1063 frozen
1064 FrozenFlame
1065 fruxxo
1066 Ftahdr
1067 FuckIth
1068 fuego666
1069 fumiko_239
1070 Funkameleon
1071 FunKy_WinKy
1072 Funmaster
1073 Fusion
1074 FutureBreeze12
1075 G-type
1076 g5tran
1077 Gabrimax98
1078 GaLaK180
1079 galif
1080 gameover653
1081 Gamepro17616
1082 gamerdude1212
1083 Gangsters
1084 GarrettTheSage
1085 gawn
1086 GCR
1087 GdUp4liff
1088 ge2
1089 Gecko
1090 geekish
1091 Geeoff
1092 geiger9
1093 genesis
1094 Geneyussrevolution
1095 genisis
1096 Geoff Mendicino
1097 george
1098 GERG
1099 Gerg3l
1100 Gerk
1101 geto
1102 GetoFabulous
1103 GetoFabulous *Home*
1104 ggggg
1105 Ghostface
1106 giggles
1107 Gill
1108 gilz
1109 GIMP!
1110 gitaroo_man
1111 giuocob
1112 GK_
1113 Glide
1114 Glob
1115 Gluv
1116 GM087
1117 GMAN
1118 GMH
1119 GNAT
1120 gnfzdz
1121 GOA7
1122 goaway
1123 GoddeZz
1124 godsgirlfriend
1125 Gohan
1126 goku_as
1127 GoldenBoy
1128 goodbye
1129 Gordo
1130 Gorrum
1131 gota
1132 gr144gra44
1133 Graphoman
1134 Gravy99
1135 GrayWolf
1136 greatkilo
1137 greenmonkey314
1138 GreenPuyo
1139 Greggles
1140 Griever423
1141 Grievous Lad
1142 groovind00d
1143 grzeskoles
1144 gschi2012
1145 gslide
1146 GSUS
1147 Gtanaka
1148 Guam
1149 Gugge
1150 Guido
1151 GuitarHeroFreak
1152 Gumby_one
1153 Guy that plays doubles
1154 GuyWithHat
1155 h0s3r
1156 H0t Ginger
1158 HA10
1159 habitat1535
1160 hadarkeshy
1161 haku
1162 Hakumei
1163 haloxpert88
1164 HaoFZ
1165 happygoluckygod
1166 hara hed
1167 Hard Dancer
1168 HardcoreoftheEast
1169 hardeeharho
1170 HardWeapon
1171 Harvey(Lykes2Groove)!
1172 HaVoK
1173 Haxitude
1174 haxored
1175 Hayden
1176 hcmf
1177 Heatha
1180 Hector Munoz
1181 Heffenfeffer
1182 hehbehreh
1183 Hellacious
1184 HelloDJ
1185 heresjoey13
1186 herrera.justin
1187 Hex
1188 HFBA
1189 Hibby!
1190 Hikaroo
1191 Hillbilly Houou
1192 Hinoken
1193 HipanicPanics.A.O.
1194 Hispanic guy
1195 HispanicPanics.A.O.
1196 HispanicPanics.DICE
1197 hivver
1198 Hiyaki
1199 Hizack
1200 hjksfdghsg
1201 Hobbla
1202 Hoby
1203 Hoby-One
1204 hogan
1205 Hogy
1206 Hollowdarkness
1207 holyarchangel
1209 HOMO
1210 homura
1211 Hooby
1212 hoody
1213 HoroKun
1214 Horseman_Dude
1215 Hoscan
1216 HotJava
1217 hpnscr
1218 Hr2
1219 HTID.Dan!
1220 Hugh G. Rection
1221 Hulk
1222 Huoshen
1223 hurtpiggypig
1224 Hush
1225 hyperkurai
1226 i am theman
1227 I FiRe I
1228 I hear KIBA hearts Arroyo
1229 i love Bubble dancer
1230 I love JJK
1231 iamdeadlol
1232 iamjake182
1233 IaMNuMBeR1
1234 IAmTheMonkey
1235 Ian
1236 Ibrahim2340
1237 ibtheillest
1238 ice
1239 Ice Tea
1240 iceberg_ssj
1241 Icedragon
1242 ICEE
1243 Iceman CT
1244 ichigo
1245 icker
1246 IcyCool
1247 IcyStaticBlast
1248 idiota
1249 Idontplayddranymore
1250 Igorgames3000
1251 ihavearash
1253 IHYD.djstoic
1254 ii 9 ii
1255 Ikayuro
1256 ilioa
1257 iLlWiLl
1258 Im2fast4u05
1259 imluigilol
1260 immranderson
1261 imnotabadass
1262 Impatized
1263 impulse617
1264 Imundercovershh
1265 Imyourloser
1267 In The Groover
1268 Inari
1269 Incognito Uncut
1270 IndieMax
1271 Indy
1272 infamous360
1273 Infil
1274 Initiating ASC
1275 inlt
1276 InNoCeNt EyEz
1277 Inoshishi
1278 Insane_Kiddd
1279 Inspector K
1280 Inspector-J
1281 InTheMarty!
1282 InvaderSkoodge
1283 Invincible
1284 Invisible300
1285 ipwnuall
1286 Iris
1287 isaa.???
1288 Isaa.Blue Dragon
1289 isaa.firelord
1290 Ish
1291 israel V. M.
1292 IstariAsuka
1293 it
1294 itachi
1295 itauhdmyfuzwzxsbej
1296 Itchabod
1297 ITG Freak
1298 Itg-is-a-feeling
1299 itg6977
1300 ITGchris523
1301 ITGDEE123
1302 ITGdre
1303 itgegg
1304 ITGfreak182005
1305 itgfreak182006
1306 itgfreakri
1307 itggirl091585
1309 ITGmasta16
1310 itgpacker22
1311 itgpeep10
1312 itgpeep22
1313 itgpeep55
1314 ITGSearchless
1315 ITGskater
1318 itl_api
1319 Its DAF
1320 Its DAF!
1321 its me !
1322 Its Me Asia!
1323 its only the beginning
1324 izzyman
1325 J.R.
1326 J0C0
1327 J1mb0
1328 j1ng
1329 J3
1330 jAAAmes
1331 jACE
1332 jackroe
1333 JadeShard
1334 Jadin
1335 jafhsdf
1336 Jaggon
1337 Jago
1338 jajalalababa
1339 JAK..
1340 Jake
1341 Jamesdotexe
1342 james_goku
1343 Jamirofer
1344 Jan
1345 JanjanBaby
1346 jansquared
1347 Janus
1348 Japican
1349 Jarex
1350 Jaris
1351 jarl
1352 jarlhulbert
1353 Jason K
1354 jasonhcky19
1355 Javi
1356 Jay.Bee
1357 Jay1
1358 Jayden Hakrodan
1359 Jayson_Davis
1360 jaz?
1361 Jazigirl
1362 JC
1363 jc4ever
1364 JCirri
1365 Jeef_ER_eeeee
1366 JEFS -morocho 2-
1367 JeLi
1368 jelster
1369 jen
1371 Jennnn
1372 JennyR0M
1373 JennyRom
1374 jerkyfish16
1375 jert
1376 jess
1377 jessi v
1378 Jessica
1379 jeybi
1380 je_16
1381 jhayz004
1382 jhonathan thomas
1383 ji2my
1384 jijon
1385 Jim The Fly
1386 Jimizzle
1387 Jin4576
1388 Jingles
1389 jinmin
1390 Jinsta
1391 Jinxie
1392 JinxieandGreyUSB
1393 jjcollins5
1394 jjjhhhppp
1395 JKC strykr
1396 JLeeT
1397 jmike
1398 jmike w/o bar
1399 JMSP
1400 jmzee
1401 jnup
1402 Joe
1403 Joe Ladies Choice T
1404 Joe P.
1405 Joe T. bio-stats
1406 joepat1219
1407 Joey
1408 Johancrowind
1409 John Baudo
1410 Johndoggons
1411 JohnElsher
1412 johnster06
1413 JoJo
1414 joker52
1415 jonanders
1416 JonathanDDR(ITG?)
1417 Jone
1418 jong
1419 JonIsOwns
1420 JonnyKombat
1421 Jorge!
1422 Joschaf
1423 josekzo
1424 Josh
1425 joshdogg
1426 Jouhan
1427 Joutubah
1428 joyeuxlice_gst
1429 JRD05
1430 jrealdeal2u
1431 Jrmy0524
1432 jrtrout87
1433 JRZee
1434 jsbee
1435 Juancster
1436 judas iscraiot x8
1437 Judas_Iscariot
1438 Judicium Nemesis
1439 Juggalotus
1440 Jujumana
1441 julian
1443 JunKanou
1444 Junky2324
1445 jun_unleashed
1446 Just One Uncle
1447 JustDownloadingThePack
1448 Justice!!
1449 Jv132
1450 jver
1451 Jynx The Mercury!
1452 K-Dogg
1453 K.Dinglasan
1454 Ka0s TheORy
1455 Kaaosa
1456 kabot
1457 kadarash
1458 Kai XIII TCZ
1459 Kainazzo101
1460 Kairi1101
1461 Kaisara518
1462 kaiten619
1463 Kaitou
1464 Kaku (bugged)
1465 kamek24
1466 Kameron
1467 Kamikaze
1468 KangXIX
1469 kanor
1470 KaOs
1471 KaoticKid
1472 Karaken
1473 Karrtaniaa
1474 Kasssss
1475 Kata
1476 kataf
1477 Kataido
1478 kattaf
1479 KauInoa
1480 kawaiipanda_xo
1481 kdx
1482 KeeperX
1483 KeepItSimple
1484 Keitaro
1485 kel-el
1486 Kelekin
1487 Kelia
1488 KEN!
1489 Ken.(Period)
1490 Kendiah
1491 KenG
1492 Kenji
1493 kenny g
1494 kenn_1234
1495 Kent
1496 KentoNTranced
1497 KenYue
1498 Kevin
1499 Kevin X
1500 KEVIN01
1501 kevn
1502 Kevontay
1503 Keybladed_riku
1504 KFAD sykw1ditstyle
1505 khaihoan
1506 Khan
1507 khmruntgang*
1508 kholdfuzion
1509 khraythia
1510 Kiba - F2R
1511 kid power
1512 Kid Something
1513 Kidareni
1514 KidBeast
1515 Kid_Demi
1516 Kiki Itemri
1517 kilty
1518 kinetic
1519 King Bowser
1520 King G
1521 KingofGames
1522 Kingpin
1523 kingssd3
1524 King_of_Hearts
1525 Kira_rus
1526 Kirb
1527 Kiryuu1
1528 KisanoWasTaken
1529 kiss69ever
1530 kitanai_kikei
1531 Kitsune Teej
1532 kitti 226
1533 Klarciko
1534 Kneeo
1535 Knightly
1536 KnowYourEnemy
1537 Knuckler
1538 knyte
1539 KoganeiroRyuu
1540 Koolkat of SMITE!
1541 Kopfeldjager
1542 Kore
1543 KoriShenlong
1544 korona
1545 kos
1547 Kradd Kento
1548 Krazy
1549 KrAzYKaReN
1550 Kreton
1551 Krillinish PF
1552 Krispy
1553 krispykreme
1554 kris_kool
1555 KRNK
1556 KRNKMaster86
1557 Kroin
1558 Krumb
1559 Krusnik_04
1560 kt evolution turbo type D
1561 KT_L
1562 Kufa
1563 kukumalu
1564 Kuma
1565 Kumiorava
1566 Kunai
1567 kungpow
1568 kuothebest
1569 KuroNeko
1570 kvakk
1571 KVP
1572 Kxela
1573 Ky
1574 Ky12
1575 kydd
1576 kyosuke_hayabusa
1577 kyoto
1578 l000na
1579 l9eepl3lue
1580 LABman86
1581 Labyrinth
1582 laces
1583 LadyMercury
1584 Laeko Randalis
1585 Laguna
1586 LagunaticHigh
1587 Laharl
1588 LaiN E
1589 lala
1590 lanAKAIan
1591 Lapsus Antepedis
1592 latestnewsdubai6
1593 Laurency
1594 LAWL.illusion
1595 LazyKenny
1596 LazyPeon
1597 lbj23
1598 LBT Ducky
1599 lcqhzyqfm
1600 Le3
1601 leanolin
1602 Leberkas
1603 Leftbehind727
1604 leftleftleftleft
1605 Lefty
1606 Legend P.
1607 Legendary N8
1608 LEgendofblue
1609 leggenda
1610 LeighAnne
1612 lemon
1613 Len
1614 Lenore
1615 Leo
1616 leopex
1617 lestat
1618 leto
1619 Leviathan666
1620 LeviathanSWA
1621 lewissssssssss
1622 Lexsip
1623 LFK
1624 Lhet
1625 Liars Dice
1626 LIER
1627 Life
1628 lightdarkness
1629 LightningAngel
1630 LiL aZn
1631 LIL D
1632 Lil David
1633 LIL E
1634 Lil Jared from KC
1635 Lil John
1637 Lil Q (no bar)
1638 Lil Q_Equals_N00B
1639 lilhoss
1640 Lilina_
1641 lilluce
1642 lilrabbit_itg
1643 lilreed
1644 lilreed16
1645 lilt
1646 liltt
1647 lil_blue
1648 lil_pimp50519
1649 Limall
1650 lincoln
1651 link
1652 Link80
1653 LinkCodeOne
1654 Linkontario
1655 Linkshot
1656 LinkV
1657 link_bitch
1658 LiquidMetal
1659 lithik
1660 littellSquall
1661 Little Kitty Mine
1662 Little Wolf
1663 LittleMike
1664 littlesushi
1665 littlexlameface
1666 liveandletlive
1667 lizzyleaf
1668 lllllll
1669 lmon
1670 lofeezy
1671 logan five
1672 LOL!
1673 lollipopgrl
1674 Loogaroo
1675 look at that kitty
1676 Lopez_
1677 Lord Hawk
1678 Lord Hawk (HWK!)
1679 LordClemmageITG
1680 lordsidro
1681 LorenaX
1682 loricka
1683 Loser
1684 LostThoughter
1685 Lotus
1686 Loui
1687 louie826
1688 LOVE
1689 Lowgain
1690 Loyal2Death
1691 LPSER
1692 lpsession77
1693 LRXE
1694 LSBE
1695 LU!G
1696 Luis
1697 Luis Hernandez
1698 Luke
1699 Luke SkyWalker
1700 luminoire
1701 Luna9729
1702 LunaMail
1703 Lunestepper
1704 LuRiOuS
1705 luvtheazn
1706 LuxorArkani
1707 LvngLrg
1708 Lyger
1709 Lynx
1710 Lynxie
1711 lys19
1712 M!$h
1713 M!k3
1714 M!KE
1715 M. Bokusochi
1716 M1K3
1717 m1k3usb
1718 M4X!
1719 maarargu
1720 Machika
1721 Macks
1722 madewithlinux
1723 mae
1724 Magnafiend
1725 MagnetGenocide
1726 mahavairo
1727 mai
1728 Maiku
1729 maitake
1730 Mak?
1731 Makeajam4u
1732 MakMeister: La Leggenda
1733 mako
1734 Malaika
1735 malbolgian
1736 Mallow
1737 mani042
1738 maniacx83
1739 Manx
1740 Manzull0
1741 marbert
1742 marcusparcus
1743 marik
1744 Mario
1745 Mariobros
1746 markman202003
1748 Marquis
1749 Marquistadorous
1750 marshmellowspoons
1751 Martin
1752 Mart_aka_DamonPerfecto
1753 Masao
1754 masnevets
1755 mastapsi
1756 Master D Bugger
1757 Master of Darkness
1758 Master Shake
1759 MasterDDR21
1760 MasterOni
1761 MateoGalvan
1762 Mathiew
1763 matilda
1764 MATS
1765 Matt
1766 matt gatlin
1767 Matt300
1768 Matt3000
1769 matt4596
1770 Mattack
1771 Mattastrophic
1772 Matthew
1773 matthew delpinto
1774 mattwestm
1775 Matty SCC
1776 Mauro_9
1777 mavadosh
1779 Maxibile
1780 Maxim
1781 MaxPain
1782 Maxx
1783 MaxX 84
1785 MaxxIt
1786 maxXw00t
1787 Maxx_Revolution
1788 max_rnd
1789 Mayo
1790 Mayo Clinic
1791 Mayu
1792 mbruchti
1793 MC FunkNugget
1794 mc2dalove
1795 McFluffy
1796 MCGiggleStick
1797 McYongers
1798 McYTG
1799 Me
1800 meAAAn
1801 meatwad300
1802 meelz93
1803 Mega Man X (SoCal)
1804 MegamanXX
1805 MEGAtive
1806 mei
1807 meldonte
1808 meli
1809 Melodie
1810 Meloku
1811 Meowster
1812 Mer13
1813 MerlinNimue
1814 meshariq8i
1815 meteoraman413
1816 metsfan001
1817 meurdlol
1818 mexican
1819 MGA_Eric
1820 MGA_FanSquare
1821 MGA_Queenie
1822 Michael
1823 MichaelOpinion1LRG1
1824 Mickey
1825 midnight
1826 midnightcarnival
1827 midnightclubx
1828 MidnightRealism
1829 miharu
1830 Mik
1831 Mike1357
1832 MikeJones
1833 MikenekoPi
1834 mikey
1835 Miki
1836 Mikifer
1837 MilesAMatthias
1838 MilesDFOX
1839 Milkopia
1840 Millael
1841 millia
1842 Millyarde
1843 Milow
1844 Minai
1845 Mind
1846 mingy
1847 MiniMoose
1848 miqhael
1850 Misc
1851 MiSOokami
1852 Miss Tea
1853 missingno000
1854 MiuZ
1855 mix
1856 mix.
1857 mixinvic
1858 MixMastaPJ
1859 MJA1080
1860 MJB
1861 MJM2
1862 Mkid
1863 MMK
1864 mmmmm
1865 Modarius
1866 Mojobaby817
1867 Momo
1868 MoNAX
1869 mongrel
1870 monkeymanloco
1871 Monp787
1872 Monpx
1873 Moo
1874 Moogle
1875 MoonEcho
1876 moonkeyman
1877 MoonLightTiger
1878 moosh
1879 morandachan
1880 Morpheusxxl
1881 mosum
1882 mothmoon
1883 Motoko
1884 Mountain Drew
1885 Mouse
1886 mouzel
1887 mpimpson
1888 mpq
1889 Mr Nice Guy
1891 Mr Sakairo Jcho
1892 Mr. Brown
1893 Mr. Great
1894 Mr. President
1895 Mr. Snuggles
1896 Mr.CowgirlAA9
1897 mr.dude23
1898 Mr.Japan
1899 Mr.Seven
1900 mr.spoon
1901 mrhurtalot
1902 MrKoopa
1903 Mrlarpus987
1904 mrlogical
1905 MrSun421
1906 MrSwan
1907 Mr_eX
1908 MSG
1909 ms_mo0m0o
1910 MT
1911 MT.bar
1912 MT_bar
1913 Muffins
1914 mullen_power13
1915 Mulletron
1916 Munkey
1917 Murdock
1918 mxxx
1919 mygoodies
1920 mylovelyladylumps
1921 MyrofBluR
1922 myronmuse
1923 myst.
1924 Mystic
1925 myst_trainer
1926 N!GhTR!DeR
1927 N-Doh
1928 N-guy
1929 n00b
1930 N00b Slayer
1931 n00b13
1932 n00bl4r
1933 N0de
1934 N4M3L0C
1935 naabraa
1936 nad1288
1937 Nakasama Ness
1938 namco003
1939 NamcoMann
1940 Nanaka
1941 Naoko
1942 NaotaKun
1943 NappyMcJinwitgrease
1944 Narb
1945 nariz de doze
1946 Nash
1947 NaT805
1948 Nate the ITG Junky
1949 nathaniel200
1950 naturalnonsense
1951 Navi02U
1952 Nayr the Fox demon
1953 ncf
1954 Ncha For Extreme
1955 neiruuovertime
1956 NekoH
1957 Nekoroms
1958 NekoSempai
1959 nekrolemur
1960 nekura
1961 Nelkhael
1962 Nell
1963 nemesis
1964 Nemesis__
1965 Nemmy
1966 Neo Raven456
1967 NEo-$h@dow
1968 Neo2492
1969 neolink70
1970 NeoMaxX76
1971 Neon Kel
1972 NeonXero
1973 nera
1974 Nergal
1975 nestlekwik
1976 Nevetsnope
1977 new silver
1978 newecm
1979 newman
1980 nexttothemoon
1981 Neya
1982 NFAK
1983 ngooijen
1984 Nguyen Hoang
1985 Nicholas
1986 Nick
1987 Nick .O
1988 Nick O
1989 nickcamil
1990 nickdood
1991 nicobest
1992 Nico_du_nord
1993 Nicster
1994 NiDeCo
1995 niedie
1996 Niga
1997 nigga1.gunz
1998 nightcon
1999 Nighthawk
2000 NightMare
2001 nightmarezero
2002 nightwlf
2003 nigs
2004 NIKI
2005 Nima1xnobar
2006 NinjaHero
2007 NinjaSYXX
2008 Nintendo Guru
2009 Ninzaburo (no bar)
2010 Nitrous Pup
2011 Nitrowolf
2012 Nivekk
2013 NK50K
2014 Nkcpirates16
2015 NMcCoy
2016 no cash calue
2017 NO NAME
2018 NO3L
2019 noah
2020 NoBarKeNy
2021 Nobu
2022 NOES
2024 noisetank
2025 noisuf0
2026 noles602
2027 Nomi
2028 Nomo
2029 noob
2030 noobuskahn
2031 Noodle
2032 nope
2034 Not AJE
2035 notcoffee
2036 NoTiK
2037 Nova
2038 Novasonic
2039 Nox
2040 nox000
2041 NSMarsH
2042 nsr-neko
2043 NUKKA
2044 number
2045 number.1
2046 NushaTV
2047 Nuust
2048 NW330
2049 nwmn420
2050 nwndarkness
2051 NXOR
2052 Nyghtewynd
2053 nyte
2054 Nytecat
2055 nytelyte
2056 obj0
2057 odizzle
2058 odjn
2059 oggvaldo
2060 OHIO Gozaimasu
2061 OJFS -morocho 1-
2062 OKEiOKEi
2063 Oko
2064 Oldranatalus
2065 OmegA
2066 Omega Broly
2067 Omega Dark
2068 Omega X
2069 omen
2071 OmgitsSeifer
2072 Omni Angelic
2073 OmniSlash2o6
2074 omo
2075 One Of A Kind
2076 onexnobar
2077 Oni
2078 Oni Kidou
2079 ONIS
2080 Oniyaneko
2081 only run very noob
2082 Onlynemesis
2083 OnlyTheStrongSurvive
2084 OOP
2085 Oraco
2086 orb
2087 orbit
2088 oreo
2089 Orgy
2090 orionlad
2091 ORR!
2092 Ortizy
2093 oscarc
2094 oschino
2095 OSM.Ryan2
2096 otaku-stepper
2097 Otos
2098 ottostarkillermanmanson
2099 ouphie
2100 OutPhase
2101 Overcast
2102 Oyama
2103 ozhkar
2104 ozymandiaz
2105 P1g30nM4n
2107 PA2SLKR
2108 PabloElton2
2109 Paeregrine
2110 paerlan
2111 Painful
2112 Pakwan Kenobi
2113 Pamela
2114 Pancake!
2115 Panda
2116 Pandaman911
2117 Pandefatium
2118 Pandemonium Master
2119 pants
2120 papayasown
2121 par
2122 parakiisux
2125 ParanoiaBrother
2126 PARANOiA_300
2127 ParanoidMaXX
2128 ParticleMan
2129 partyboy
2130 Pashley
2131 Passio
2132 passwordhello
2133 pato
2134 Patrick
2135 patriko
2136 patriotz
2137 PatsHarkIve
2138 pattern
2139 Pauldrinkthewater
2140 paultd
2141 Pazzed
2142 Pcircle
2143 PeachesnCream
2144 PeBBleZ
2145 peetree376
2146 pee_tar_griffin
2147 Pemrick
2148 Pemrick69
2149 PenguinMessiah
2150 Penguin_02
2151 PenPan
2152 Peppy
2153 perfektcirkle2
2154 periscope
2155 Pete
2156 Peter966
2157 PGHM
2158 Phat Albert
2159 phataxel
2160 Phiido
2161 Philipio
2162 Pho3niX
2163 Phobandit
2164 PhoeniX
2165 Phr34k
2166 phsb
2167 Phuzion
2168 Phydeaux
2169 phzznizz
2171 Pie XD
2172 Piggles
2173 Pikachu
2174 PikaGEMER
2175 Pikamitsu
2176 pikes
2177 Pikkle
2178 PimpinSuperSized
2179 Pinkie2U
2180 Pinoquio
2181 pjung
2182 pkakira88
2183 PlasmaVenom
2184 Plazmunky
2185 plnk
2186 PNY
2187 pointfivenine
2188 PolaroidEsAndy
2189 PolaroidIsAndy
2190 pooch
2191 pooper !
2192 POP!
2193 Popmeister
2194 Porn Star!!
2195 Potatoes
2196 Pre10der
2197 premchai21
2198 prep dancer
2199 PrettyWhiteBoy
2200 primelly
2201 princeofblckness
2202 privateside4285
2203 Prodigal
2204 Prodigy
2205 PromKingKiller
2206 Prospect
2207 ProSun21
2208 Proto Man Y
2209 Proto Man Z
2210 ProTosS
2211 Pseudonym
2212 Pseybert
2213 Psionic Storm
2214 psmG
2215 psmo17921
2216 Psyballathps
2217 Psychoprog
2218 psycoman187
2219 Publius
2220 PUFI
2221 pugerz
2222 Pukey
2224 pumahawk
2225 punkguy58
2226 purple_kangaroo
2227 putz
2228 PxDn Ninja
2229 Pxlate
2230 PXRK
2231 Pyro
2232 Q
2233 qazmaster
2234 qkumbr
2235 QooL
2236 QotL
2237 Quad_killeR
2238 Qualarious
2239 Quarla
2240 quaternary
2241 queen of sephiroth
2242 qugemsxhmc
2243 Quickplaya
2244 QuickstepperX
2245 QUIT
2246 Quoll
2247 r!ze
2248 R*A*S*H
2249 R.I.P. Flea
2250 r0h0-
2251 Ra-Zor
2252 Raab
2253 Rachael*
2254 RacingFreakD149
2255 RadMooseKiller
2256 Raf
2257 Rage!
2258 Rain
2259 RainbowDash
2260 Raitek
2261 rajeious
2262 Ram-Z
2263 rampage
2264 Ramuh
2265 RamuneFizz
2266 Randi
2267 Random Negro
2268 randomusb
2269 Rascal93292
2270 rat boy
2271 Raul
2272 Rave
2273 raven
2274 Raven1841
2275 Ravenlocke
2276 Rayne
2277 Raze
2278 RaZoR
2279 rbk reebok
2280 Re-l
2281 Realathelete
2282 realitydefiler
2284 reboman2
2285 ReconSteveVol19
2286 red shoe paul
2287 red-X
2288 redjoe666
2289 RedWinter
2290 REDX
2292 red_moon
2293 Reebok
2294 reedyboy
2295 Reenee
2296 ReFLeX
2297 reg
2298 Regno
2299 reiaya
2300 Reiska
2301 ReJest
2302 relic12
2303 rememberdecember2010
2304 remix*
2305 Ren-Ji (no bar)
2306 Renard
2307 Rendy Ananta
2308 Rene(Argentina)
2309 Renkairu
2310 Reon
2311 repeatedpuppetry.
2312 RetnuhSreka
2313 RevenG
2314 Rez
2315 Rhonlore
2316 Rhys
2317 Rhythmatic
2318 riapsed
2319 riceasviolence
2320 Ricefarmer
2321 RickyStyle
2322 riskytony
2323 Risq
2324 Rita Repulsa
2325 Rite
2326 RiverFeed
2327 Riverview
2328 Riyo
2329 Riyu
2330 RJC
2331 RkieCaboose
2332 Rktman
2333 rndyluvsrobn
2334 Roaddogg
2335 Rob00996
2336 Robdog
2337 robert
2338 robling
2339 robo
2340 ROBO916
2341 RoboSllim
2342 robospydogg
2343 Roby
2344 rockerman82
2345 Rocket
2346 rocket lad
2347 RocketNinja
2348 Rod
2349 roflcopterpilotx
2350 RoguearthuR
2351 Rojo-Ky
2352 rollingcrow
2353 Ron13
2354 Rona
2355 Rona4489
2356 Roo
2357 Rookie
2358 RookieX
2359 ROXAS
2360 roxygem721
2361 Roza
2362 RPG.CBR
2363 RSTR
2364 rsvl_rookie
2365 rsvl_sucks
2366 RSX
2367 RsynL
2368 rtFFF
2369 Rufus_4_President
2370 Rumi
2371 RunwithsciZZors9
2372 Rurounikeitaro
2373 Ruzy
2374 RWD
2375 Ry
2376 Ryanitg
2377 ryanlockwood
2378 Rybo
2379 ryc3
2380 Ryebread
2381 Ryokubaka
2382 Ryoshina
2383 RyuKen08
2384 RyuuForce
2385 Ryyudo
2386 s-chocolate
2387 S1N3d dW17
2388 S34n1th0n
2389 S4ke
2390 Sacredfoot
2391 sageofchaos559
2392 Sai
2393 Saigo
2394 Sailor Moon
2395 Sakamura
2396 Saki
2397 Sakura 300
2398 Sakura Saku
2399 Sakura48201
2400 SakuraDragoon3
2401 sakura_shining_star
2402 sakuyarules
2403 Same
2404 Sammasaurus
2405 Sammie.Johnson
2406 SammyChan
2407 samwise122
2408 Sandman_July
2409 Sang1
2410 saphireblueCB
2411 SaRoberts
2412 Sasaki
2413 sashoto
2414 saulgoodman
2415 Savani
2416 Savryn
2417 Sawao
2418 SBA Teh S Ninja
2419 ScanL
2420 scoots
2421 scorchedsky
2422 sd4rs3to
2423 Sean616
2424 seanbell_830
2425 seantobin
2426 SectionS3V3N
2427 Seeker
2428 Seeky
2429 sefira
2430 Seifer
2431 semioldguy
2432 Senbei-Sama
2433 senepa
2434 Senf Of Yahcano
2435 Sengoku
2436 sentuken
2437 sephiroth1024
2438 SephirothX
2439 Seqoy
2440 Sex
2441 SeXuaLSoYBeaN
2442 Sexy No Jutsu
2443 sexyangel41388
2444 SexyHotRoss
2446 ShAd0w
2447 shades
2448 shadow
2449 Shadowbird
2450 shadowbone
2451 Shadowsil_Chii
2452 shadowsonic
2453 Shaf
2454 shakeNbake
2455 ShakuganNoMaya
2456 shane_mcewen
2457 shawnson
2458 Sheenaza
2459 sheepdawg
2460 Sheepdude
2461 Shelbee
2462 Shelby
2463 Sherlita
2464 sherwin2
2465 shevic9000@yahoo.com
2466 shifty
2467 Shigan
2468 Shiguma
2469 Shin
2470 Shin Iori X
2471 shinakito
2472 Shinno Yuki
2473 Shin_B.
2474 ShoDeFiO
2475 shortysnmn2010
2476 shot.fuck
2477 Shtsh
2478 shugo
2479 Shur
2480 SHWA
2481 siberiano
2482 Sick
2483 SickRick
2484 Sicor
2485 SidaZoid
2486 SIGH
2487 Sigma X
2488 SigmaW
2489 Sik
2490 silEnce
2491 silent assassin
2492 SilentJoel
2493 silky
2494 Silter
2495 Simba
2496 Simmister
2497 simonsez
2498 simplyrosie
2499 Sin
2500 Sin-NoBar
2502 SingTehFukinSorrow
2503 SinSk8er
2504 Sion
2505 SirisDaMonk
2506 sitonik
2507 Siveus
2508 sjplus
2509 skaterboy213
2510 SKATER_DUDE_666_420
2511 Skippy
2512 skitzo
2513 skullie
2514 SkuttyWan
2515 SkyDarkwind
2516 SkyHawk
2517 Skylar
2518 Skyripper
2519 Slaik
2520 slickv2
2521 Slide
2522 Slinkun
2523 sLiTfAcE
2524 Slobadon Milosevic
2525 Slow
2526 SlugX
2527 sm
2528 SmACk tHE kiDs
2530 Smbtd
2531 SMC!
2532 Smiley
2533 Smiley Jr.
2534 Smiley Maxx
2535 Smoke
2536 SMurphy
2537 SMX Stan
2538 Snaggles
2539 Snarsh
2540 Snil4
2541 snippo
2542 Snooj
2543 Snow Fox
2544 snowboardkid
2545 Snowman1703
2546 Snuffles
2547 So JaMeS 469
2548 so3arbelnox
2549 sodiclo
2550 Sol Badguy
2551 SoLiD
2552 Solo
2553 Solon Halwinder
2554 Solus
2555 some random fat chick
2556 Son Rose
2557 Songy
2558 sonic
2559 Sonykid753
2560 Sophos
2561 sorrowofthesix
2562 SoulDream
2563 southstar
2564 SpaceCowboy
2565 spalsh13
2567 Spartan 117
2568 Spartan22x
2569 SpAz
2570 specialK
2571 Spekio
2572 spel werdz rite
2573 Sphinx
2574 SpiD
2575 Spike357
2576 spikydragonboi
2577 SpikySonic81
2578 spinny
2579 SpinSir
2580 SpitefulCrow
2581 spkru
2582 Splyn
2583 Spokes
2584 spooky
2585 Spoony
2587 squ3aks
2588 squareenix
2589 Squeaks
2590 Squirrel
2591 Squishy
2592 sruet
2593 ssiillkkyy
2594 ssj2lee
2595 sssmsm
2596 SSSS
2597 ssssss
2598 star
2599 Starcore
2600 StarmanSuper
2601 StarOceanFreakXHome
2602 stealthpancake
2603 step4wind
2604 Stephie
2605 stepmaniabob
2606 StepMC
2607 Steppin Joe
2608 steve
2609 Stewie
2610 stiffy
2611 Stiles
2612 stop me
2613 storm
2614 stoyq
2615 str0ngbad
2616 strabo
2617 Stradi
2618 streams
2619 streetracer1
2620 striker
2621 Striker8940
2622 stryder_hyryuu
2623 Stuntzy
2624 stupid faggot
2625 stupidpeople
2626 stv2049
2627 Stytch
2628 SugarMcDaddy
2629 sumeet
2630 sumo wrestler123
2631 sundaedog
2632 sunfox
2633 Sunshine
2634 Super Jew
2635 Super Sapien
2636 Super23
2637 superdancer
2638 SuperJoN!
2639 supers
2640 Supersonic
2641 SuperTay
2642 supremz
2643 Surfer_Clock
2644 Suupaa
2645 Svenyip
2646 swallowtail
2647 SWAT KinG
2648 sweendizzle
2649 SWFT
2650 swongtong
2651 swoot
2652 swtaarrs
2653 SXE!
2654 Syauron
2655 SymphonyOfSilence
2656 Sync
2657 Synthesis2k2
2659 Syphies
2660 Syrup
2661 sysl
2662 sziefe@rpnzib.com
2663 T-4
2664 T-Bone
2665 T.D@S@N! 3DD!3 JO3
2666 T.D@S@N! @Y@
2667 T.D@S@N! LAN:@
2668 t0mm4n
2669 T1M
2670 T3@M 0B0N!
2671 T???
2672 Tac-Tics
2673 Tacio Sonic X
2674 Taco
2675 Taeil2
2676 Tails
2677 Tajuro
2678 Taka
2680 TaQa
2681 Tashi
2682 TAsterisk
2683 tasty delight
2684 Tau
2685 tbone
2686 TCS Super_Sonic
2687 Team IC Sprite
2688 Team UI Angeles_7
2689 TEAM UI.Dj NaSh
2690 Tear
2691 Techno!
2692 Teh C.
2693 Teh Hawtz
2694 Teh JennyR0m
2695 Teh RiA.
2696 TehCrazyOne
2697 TehDerek
2698 Tekneek24
2699 TelorGulung
2700 TemeP
2701 TemL
2702 Tempest
2703 TeN
2704 Tenten
2705 tepster
2706 Terpsichore
2707 test
2708 test1234
2709 test5
2711 Testf00
2712 Texasmonky
2713 TFAD
2714 TFW.ChocoboJoe
2715 TGLMaxX
2716 TGRP-DJay Eckoman
2717 TGRP-Eckoman
2719 Th0raxe
2720 ThaCapn
2721 Thailar
2722 Thalesalex
2723 ThaoR
2724 That DDR guy
2725 ThatGuy
2726 ThatKidStar1
2727 that_fan
2728 the Amazing Flying Cat
2729 The Annoying Rmt Kid
2730 the boss
2731 the C factor317
2732 the dashness
2733 The Great Rooster
2734 The Hair Kid
2735 The Hot 1
2736 The Killer
2737 The Legend of Pi
2738 ThE LeGeNd Of PiRy
2739 The Legendary Oni
2740 the philosopher
2741 The Quik of the Century
2742 The Raven
2743 The Real Jet
2744 The Sickness
2745 The Sketch
2746 The Unforgiven
2747 The Wraith
2748 theanimatedsim
2749 TheAryan2007
2750 THECapedCaper
2751 theendless1011
2752 theEscape
2753 thefantomfreak
2754 Thegutter
2755 theheartless312
2756 TheJake
2757 TheKing5545
2758 theKovenant
2759 TheLegendOfStain
2760 themasterneo (HBJ)
2762 theonecalledy2ckt
2763 ThePandemonium
2764 therationalpi
2765 Therealkane
2766 thesboss
2767 thetankzw
2768 TheTrueMasterX
2769 TheWertle
2770 theWILSE
2771 TheWorstOnGroovestats
2772 The_Bearded_Wonder
2773 the_krumber
2774 the_prodigy
2775 The_Ps2_Devil
2776 The_Wrong_Man
2777 Thimy
2778 Thing 7
2779 thingee
2780 Thirteen
2781 ThisIsBroken
2782 THK
2783 ThrusH
2784 Thunder Fox
2785 THX1138
2786 tian
2787 TicTacKittyKat
2788 tiger YAMATO
2789 Tigerhawk71
2790 tightclinic
2791 Tigress
2792 tigrets
2793 tillvit
2794 Tilt
2795 Timebomb138
2796 TJ
2797 TK24
2798 tlister
2799 TLOP PiRy
2800 Tmorph
2801 toad
2802 Toastercookie
2803 Toby
2805 Tom59593
2806 Tommy
2807 tommy04
2808 tomo_kun
2809 Tonydanza
2810 too great
2811 toobright
2812 TOPG
2813 Topsk8r4ever
2814 Toralf
2815 Torches
2816 tororo_kelp
2817 TorpidSquirrel
2818 Toshiya
2819 Tougen 0
2820 Tov
2821 ToXSicK
2822 Tr0nd
2823 TraitorJackKnife
2824 Travic
2825 tree
2826 trial11
2827 Trick Master
2828 Triking
2829 Trinnan
2830 Trip
2831 Tripmachineluvmx
2832 TripsEX
2833 tripstar.tagesta
2834 Tristal
2835 TriState
2836 Trix
2837 Trixter
2838 TRKaneKRT
2839 TRLS
2840 TrOY
2841 Trueheat
2842 TrueSlide
2843 Trunks102
2844 TRY123
2845 Trythen
2846 tsubasa83_ch
2847 Tsukou
2848 tsunamibreakdown
2849 TTAM?
2850 Tuminure
2851 turbo jjjang
2852 Turboneko
2853 Turtle Power
2854 tux_octane
2855 Twan
2856 twang
2857 twch
2858 tweder
2859 Twilight Dragon
2860 twitch
2861 twiZted
2862 TwoAi
2863 Tyler
2864 tyler2dx
2865 TyTiger
2866 T_Master
2868 Uber_Mario
2869 UBR DrAgOn
2870 Ubrenewbie
2871 Ucuri
2872 Ugge2
2873 Ukitsu007
2874 ultima301
2875 UltimateShitStarter
2876 Ultimeas
2877 Ulv
2878 Un70uch48l3
2879 UnhappyAngel
2880 Unkie
2881 Unknown
2882 user name
2883 UtopiaLand
2884 u_r_not_turner
2885 V-Bizzle
2886 V-ice
2887 V1RUSD13
2888 Vaderseven
2889 Vain
2890 Valence
2891 Valo
2892 Vanadis
2893 Vargas
2894 vashx22
2895 Vegeto888
2896 Venusharr.stg
2897 Verbatim
2898 Version 2 Raul Xtreme
2899 Version2 raul xtreme
2900 Version2RaulXtreme
2901 VerT
2902 VerTex
2903 Vertexed
2904 VgameT
2905 Vianca
2906 VideoGameKaiser96
2907 vietbodian253
2908 Vile.stg
2909 ViPeRs-VeNoM
2910 virkupp
2911 virtualplay
2912 Vision
2913 Vivid
2914 VOC.FuRy
2915 VOC.Psi
2916 VOC.T-Bone
2917 voidlily
2918 volume_ghost
2919 Vorona
2920 vorteks
2921 VTShaftBG
2922 VUDU
2923 VulgarSmile
2924 VyZor
2925 W1p3out
2926 Wabofet
2927 waesrdtfg
2928 Wakalaka
2929 Walrus
2930 wang99
2931 wants_to_sleep
2932 warblermandude
2933 Warlock
2934 waterboy
2935 WaterFairy101
2936 wayland
2937 waynec02
2938 Wazandrew
2939 wbtlevi
2940 WCDH.Demekzu
2941 WCDH_Zetiq
2942 webweaver
2943 Wee Gige
2944 weedman
2945 wegis
2946 Werburn
2947 Whatever
2948 White
2949 White Rice
2950 WhiTeKid88
2951 whitietightie95
2952 Whut A Cool Guy
2953 WickeD
2954 wiggy
2955 WildPyro
2956 wildthundah
2957 William Howard Taft
2958 Wilshire
2959 Windows
2960 Winks
2961 Winterblue
2963 WITD.nano
2964 WITD.ThE OnE CaLlEd jAvA!
2965 WITD.Usuk
2966 Wizzy
2967 wolfganglittle
2968 Wolfie
2969 Wolfreaver
2970 wonderboy
2971 Wordhiezel Judochop & Co.
2972 wordsun
2973 wowithoughtiwastedmylife
2974 WPTsunami10
2975 wraith985
2976 Wrath04
2977 WrestlerBoy101
2978 wristdirect
2979 wRIThe2009 (Home Version)
2980 wutini
2981 WyldSe7en
2982 X-Blade
2983 X-Conker
2984 X-ecutioner
2985 X3N0
2986 X529
2987 xaby
2988 Xai
2989 XAndyX
2990 XAngeLzukinX
2991 Xatu23456
2992 xbabyxjadeyxx
2993 xbrendenx
2994 xBuRn1nG H34Tx
2995 XC4r700n-N19h7m4r35X
2996 XcaliberX
2997 xcrissxcrossx
2998 XDarkCloudX
2999 Xero
3000 XeroCi
3001 XeroSkill (Team BAD)
3002 Xfer
3003 Xiaounlimited2
3004 xICEx
3005 xJurrx
3006 xkillingrhythm
3007 XLW Chilled
3008 xmakubex
3009 xmandax
3010 XoHollyJ
3011 XONIX
3012 XoxWickedBitchxoX
3013 Xperimental223
3014 xQz-nobar
3015 xriceeater
3016 xscarydrummerx
3017 XTAC
3018 Xtriko
3019 XtrunksX
3020 Xuxa
3021 XU_lemmingontherun_XA
3022 xx concrete ink
3023 xxao
3024 XxDevin_GossxX
3025 XxIaNxX
3026 XxMarkJonxX
3027 xxsilverrainexx
3028 XxTsunamixX
3029 XXX
3030 xxxx
3031 XyreX
3032 Xzer0
3033 X__Quick
3034 Yahoodood
3035 yanathin
3036 Yandaime
3037 Yasser?
3038 Yoda_ITG
3039 yoitsfrancis
3040 Yomiji
3041 yosh
3042 Yoshi Smiley Face
3043 yoshi224
3044 you again
3045 you-got-served
3046 YoUNg J3FFrY
3047 youngJR19
3048 Your Mom
3049 yourdaddy
3050 YoureMyHiro
3051 Your_Mom
3052 yugge
3053 YUL34
3054 Yuna
3055 yuri.virus.XXX
3056 z0mg
3057 Z1gY
3058 z1ppers
3059 Zaedum
3060 Zaikotsu
3061 Zalen292
3062 zalf
3063 Zangetsu
3064 Zanneth
3065 Zareul Zanzabar
3066 Zavon
3067 zEfIe
3068 Zeldy2
3069 Zelnick
3070 zenixe
3071 Zentrenal
3072 zephyrpunk
3073 ZeR0c0oL5
3074 Zeritel
3075 Zero
3076 Zero X
3077 zero-x
3078 Zero12
3079 ZeRo1214
3080 zero1dude
3081 ZerOCool
3082 ZeroVersion2.0
3083 ZeroZ
3084 ZigZag
3085 ZigZagBANZAI
3086 Zimey
3087 ZiNH
3088 Zipher
3089 zmey
3090 Znonymous
3091 zoey_c
3092 Zoip
3093 zolphar
3094 Zombie Lord
3096 zoneoneoni
3097 Zousho
3098 ZoZo
3099 zrelmar
3100 Zs LILM
3101 ZSL
3102 zsquared
3103 Zui_OLD
3104 zupea
3105 Zvidun
3106 zxcvzxcv
3107 zxc_004
3108 zxc_007
3109 Zydra
3110 ZYNK
3111 ZZ
3112 zzyzx.PearDog
3113 zzyzx.StrawberryDog
3114 ZZZ
3115 _.neoMAX._
3116 _bloop
3117 _Niko
3118 __DMAN__
Machine Locations in this region
# Name City
1 Unspecified Unspecified