• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

FKK.carrot's Profile

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From DT.Blake on 2/01/2006 Active Modify
Stop sucking and come to Nickel City a little more than once every 8 years.
From Krumb on 12/15/2005 Active Modify
come down to masons, where we can have hot sex on the pads
From BobThePumpkin on 11/07/2005 Active Modify
Grow some hair
From Tiza - Moderator on 10/20/2005 Active Modify
I'll give you a nice blanket statement- pass all the 11s. And a 12 of your choice. And cut your hair (but don't really, I just like saying that). And challenge me back.
From Krumb on 10/17/2005 Active Modify
pass july. pass clockwork. pass destiny. pass the beginning. double star any expert song. give me rides to the arcade on the weekend
From FKK.carrot on 9/25/2005 Active Modify
Update my groovestats sometime
From Cyrus on 8/24/2005 Active Modify
triple star any hard mode song without the bar.
From Cyrus on 11/07/2005 Completed Modify
Get a haircut.
From JJK on 8/25/2005 Completed Modify
Find your USB card.
From JJK on 8/11/2005 Completed Modify
why the fuck did it send twice
From JJK on 8/11/2005 Completed Modify
Find your USB card.
From Krumb on 12/13/2005 Abandoned Modify
spend more time with ashley than playing itg. SRYSLY, girlfriend>>>>>>>>>>arrow stomping
From BobThePumpkin on 12/10/2005 Abandoned Modify
Stop getting better than me ;_;
From the_krumber on 11/07/2005 Abandoned Modify
do not ever beat me. ever. this challange will stay here for the rest of your itg playing days