• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
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OshawaACE's Profile

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User Name: OshawaACE
Machine Tag: ACE
Total Quads/100%s: 1
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Play Style: Unspecified
Member since: May 20th, 2005
Last Profile Update: September 18th, 2006
ok, i give in.  it seems like few on groovestats play at metreon so i'll say i play at RTA because that's where the cool kids are.
now, i'm really giving in.  i even got a usb.

play style or whatever you want to call it
- singles - usually 400-450, up to 550 bpm, working on 550+.  i can pass 10s and 11s on 1x provided there are few crossovers.  yes, i fail On a Day Like Today on 1x!
- doubles speed mods - i stick to 1x since 300 bpm is too fast for me.  i have a sight read A on sakura and atn heavy but it was incredibly hard for me.  playing for score isn't fun but marathons are fun.
- major expert 1x ITG accomplishments - Charlene(70.91% now up to 86.17%), My Favorite Game No Bar (76.48% now up to 90.55%), Kagami No Bar - 90.06% all on r6 - SCREW YOU ROXOR!!!!!!!
- marathons - i'll re-do a normal marathon if my intense score is 1% lower.  all ITG1 marathons played on an ITG2 machine will have the ITG1 score in the comments.
- survivals - no bar except for speeder, energizer (slower), liquid moon (cohesion) singles.  no bar is more of a challenge imo.

RTA has r8, Metreon has r6, CVGL has SN and r4.  all upgrades.  i'm all over the place.

now everyone enlist in the DickFaceArmy or else my pants will go McEmo.
OshawaACE's Recent Scores:
Song Name Score (%) Pack Date Submitted
Typical Tropical 93.81   In the Groove 2 9/22/2006
Summer in Belize 90.03
In the Groove 2 8/26/2006
Kagami 96.97
In the Groove 8/26/2006
Cryosleep 94.37
In the Groove 2 8/26/2006
Liquid Moon 97.66
In the Groove 2 8/26/2006
Single In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages Double
Expert  80.40% 0.00%  Expert
Hard  27.32% 0.68%  Hard
Medium  3.40% 1.94%  Medium
Easy  0.73% 0.00%  Easy
Total  25.56% 0.67%  Total
Single Overall Percentages: ITG Courses Double
Intense  36.09% 7.96%  Intense
Normal  45.64% 35.90%  Normal
Survival  89.84% 49.47%  Survival
Total  45.71% 24.65%  Total