JOKR's Profile
User Name:
Machine Tag:
Machine Location:
Nevada - JOKR & R4VN's House
Total Quads/100%s:
Triumph Points:
Play Style:
Always Bar
Member since:
June 21st, 2005
Last Profile Update:
July 11th, 2023
JOKR's Recent Scores:
Song Name | Score (%) | Pack | Date Submitted |
The Angels Expert (17) Sgl |
96.36 | Xynn's Mix Tapes | 9/06/2024 |
Infomorph Expert (16) Sgl |
96.05 | Bass Chasers | 9/06/2024 |
Somersault Expert (16) Sgl |
93.99 | Xynn's Mix Tapes | 9/06/2024 |
Holy Orders III (Be Just or Be Dead) Expert (21) Sgl |
77.49 | Arc Stream Works | 9/04/2024 |
Plateau Expert (20) Sgl |
92.27 | ITGAlex's Stamina Safari | 9/04/2024 |
!D!zZy!K@Z!, $ilky, ***WILLIS***, *Team Evolution* d-a-v-e, ,, -Mystik-, -Team PAP- Lenni, -Zero-, 05C.Z3R0, ???, Addricted, admstyles, AFAD.sakuneko, AgentUhOh7, AJL.RAY!, Akasura, Alezay, AOA BLAC, aphrodite, Arceaon Zero, asfl.ChezMiX, AWE, bacon, BeeBoop, BenvolioZF, Bigfoot, BiggieBlue, BigYama, billyjr82, Black MicMac, blackcat, Blair, bluechows, Bluemystic, BluR.Z!, BluRwaterGirl, bobbysworldfosho, BobThePumpkin, Bolin, Breakfast Que-0ss-adilla, Brendino, Brother Mojo, Bryce, C0m37, cakes, Cata-Kai, CFAC 317, chrisslugma, Chunkwrap Supreme, CoasterMaster, Cock Champion, Colorblind.Seiteki, comboace, Comrade Caffy, Crono, CryptopsyBodom, Cully, cyberbully321, Cynic, Da unabomber, Damien, Daniel05, DanPeriod, DANSUCKS, Dark Angel, Dark Orochi, DarkBowler300_Ry?!, Darkstar, darksyde.stg, ddrcoder, DemonHybrid, discovolante, dj Chef, dj HaQ, DJFX, djpc, DMN, Dmoney(DMNY), Dragon, DrunkenMonkey469, DSG.Drewtagonist, DT.Blake, DTSA.MOLE, DustAura, Echo, Eleftheria, Estepper, EvilDave219, EVOriginal, Evo_Matt, f0xtr0t, Faker13, Fatali, Fatguy, fenderstrat, FEPJ.gangsta, fidoxevil, flashitude, FLipSide, Frappe051, FreeStep, FRESNOobs.Dizave, fungah, Glow, GnotGnap, Goddess1113, Gooey.Octopussy, GSusFeet, haku, hay sup tats, HCsoupR4VR, headghost, HipHopNotik, HispanicPanics.A.O., HispanicPanics.DICE, HispanicPanics.Dizzy, HispanicPanics.Fallen, HoHoFtw, Hoodie, hurtpiggypig, Iceman0736, IHYD.DARK MIST, IHYD.dimo, IHYD.djstoic, IHYD.DukAmok, IHYD.Hush, InsaneMidget, izzyman, jAAAmes, Jafar, Jandick, Javi, Jay.Bee, Jboy.VictoryDance, Jebrone, JennyRom, Jesus, JetWorld, Jinxie, JJK, JMSP, joker, joker_kong, JP, JRZee, jsbee, Judas X8, Kage (still sexy), KaOs, Kay0s, Reborn, KDavis, Kevbo, KevinDDR, Kitty, kreichjr, Krumb, L!!!Hollis, LadyMercury, LBT Ducky, Lenoh, Liars Dice, Life, Lil David, Lil Q, LiL RyU, LILD, Lionheart, Loogaroo, louie826, Luis, Lumpy Bizzle, lxv, m0nKx4o, MAAAX_himself, Mac G., Magenta Chaos, Malice, Maniacal, Mar!, Mari, Marquis, Mary-Chan, MateoGalvan, Matt300, Mega Man X (SoCal), mendellee, Milo234, mini m&m, Minime, Mircatfly, MOOGLE SWAGMAN, Mr. Chandler, MrWillof469, MTL_FKN_DERRIL, MUD.COREMISETER, Mulletron, MURDER.Dickey, MURDER.Haruhi, MURDER.Mandodo, mykl, nekura, NESCartFanatic, neverneverland(CPTN CRIK), Nikko, Ninzaburo, No Rescores, NoBarKeNy, NoLimit, noobuskahn, NoReD, notinfamouspat, Nypsy, nytelyte, only run very noob, OSC.Suicide, OshawaACE, Pags, Paragon, PARANOiA ITG, peetree, phenomenal-anbu-, Phylicia, Pickles, Pikkle, Plaguefox, Plain Steven, PNIS, PolaroidIsAndy, pyroko, QuentinX5, R4VN152?, Radruler, Rapunzel1029, reboman, red shoe paul, Reed.SolarCity, Ren-Ji, RivvyMonster, rndyluvsrobn, RPG.CBR, rsvl_rookie, sageofchaos, Santiago22, Sasaki, Scaggyballer17, SexyHotRoss, Shadow_Dragonz, Sheenaza, Shenjoku, Simba, SINFUL, Sisco, SkyDarkwind, SovPwr(done for summer), Spork, Squeakz, ssssss, StArBuCkS GrLaE, Stewie, stfd.FUse, str0ngbad, Strider-Ryu, STsung, SupaNova, superboner, SuperJoN!, SuperNOVA Gian, Synkro, The Hamm of the Century, The Ike of the Century, The Quik of the Century, The Real Jet, The Yan of the Century, thefantomfreak, Theforgotten, tiger YAMATO, Tiza, TJ3, Travis, Tripp, TTHGuy, tyler2dx, tylerthetossiteroll, Tyrgannus (con silla), UK.s34n, UmeYo.phil, u_r_not_turner, V01DKeng07, Valentina989, vietdoll, VxJasonxV, Wellian, WickeD, Wolfman2000, WoW. Magnetic, wu_tang69, XAngeLzukinX, xDavidxMoFox, XeroAyame, Yamigi, YaYo!!! xD, Zero X, zxevik, zzyzx.PearDog, zzyzx.StrawberryDog
(305 total)
Friend Of:
!D!zZy!K@Z!, $ilky, ***WILLIS***, *Team Evolution* d-a-v-e, ,, -Team PAP- Lenni, 05C.Z3R0, admstyles, AFAD.sakuneko, AgentUhOh7, AJL.RAY!, Akasura, ALBY, Alex The Lion, Alezay, Andisheh, AngelR4vE, aphrodite, Arceaon Zero, asfl.ChezMiX, Azirixx, BeeBoop, Bigfoot, BiggieBlue, BigYama, billyjr82, blackcat, Blair, bluechows, BluR.Z!, BluRwaterGirl, bluu azn, BobThePumpkin, Bolin, Bran, Bryce, cakes, Cata-Kai, CFAC 317, chrisslugma, Chunkwrap Supreme, clerguz, Cock Champion, comboace, Crono, Cully, cyberbully321, Da unabomber, Daniel05, DanPeriod, DANSUCKS, Dark Angel, Dark Orochi, DarkBowler300_Ry?!, Darkstar, DarkWest, ddrcoder, DemonHybrid, DF.Happy Feet!, dj HaQ, djpc, DT.Blake, DTSA.MOLE, DustAura, Echo, Eleftheria, Estepper, EVOriginal, f0xtr0t, Faker13, fenderstrat, FLipSide, Frappe051, FreeStep, FRESNOobs.Dizave, Glow, GnotGnap, Goddess1113, Gooey.Octopussy, GSusFeet, haku, HCsoupR4VR, headghost, Higgy, HispanicPanics.Dizzy, HoHoFtw, Hoodie, HRC.Cam, Hugo Mendez, hurtpiggypig, Iceman0736, ICTtoken, izzyman, jAAAmes, Jafar, Jandick, Jebrone, Jello, JennyRom, Jesus, Jinxie, JJK, JMSP, joker, joker_kong, JP, Judas X8, KaOs, Kay0s, Reborn, KDavis, Kitty, Koushiro, kreichjr, Krumb, L!!!Hollis, LadyMercury, Lenoh, Lil David, LiL RyU, LILCaleb, LILD, Lionheart, Lumpy Bizzle, lxv, m0nKx4o, MAAAX_himself, Mac G., Malice, Mar!, Marquis, Mary-Chan, MasterJack1225, MateoGalvan, Milo234, mini m&m, Minime, Mircatfly, Mr. Chandler, MTL_FKN_DERRIL, MURDER.Haruhi, MURDER.Mandodo, mykl, nekura, NESCartFanatic, Nikko, No Rescores, NoBarKeNy, NoLimit, NoReD, Nypsy, OniiScythe, only run very noob, OSC.Suicide, OshawaACE, Paragon, PARANOiA ITG, Phylicia, Pikkle, Plain Steven, PNIS, QuentinX5, R4VN152?, Radruler, Rapunzel1029, RivvyMonster, rndyluvsrobn, sageofchaos, Scaggyballer17, Scerikat, Shadow_Dragonz, Shaz, Shenjoku, Sisco, spel werdz rite, Spork, Squeakz, StArBuCkS GrLaE, Stewie, stfd.FUse, Strider-Ryu, Stupid Baka, SupaNova, superboner, SuperJoN!, SuperNOVA Gian, Synkro, The Hamm of the Century, The Quik of the Century, The Real Jet, The Yan of the Century, Theforgotten, Travis, Tripp, trueblue410, tylerthetossiteroll, Tyrgannus (con silla), UK.s34n, V01DKeng07, Valentina989, vietdoll, WoW. Magnetic, wu_tang69, XAngeLzukinX, xDavidxMoFox, Xephiroth, XeroAyame, Yamigi, YaYo!!! xD, Zero X, zxevik
(210 total)
Single | In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages | Double | |
Expert | 99.01% | 0.00% | Expert |
Hard | 7.44% | 0.00% | Hard |
Medium | 0.00% | 0.00% | Medium |
Easy | 0.00% | 0.00% | Easy |
Total | 23.30% | 0.00% | Total |
Single | ITG: Rebirth Overall Percentages | Double | |
Expert | 8.84% | 0.00% | Expert |
Hard | 0.00% | 0.00% | Hard |
Medium | 0.00% | 0.00% | Medium |
Easy | 0.00% | 0.00% | Easy |
Total | 2.21% | 0.00% | Total |