• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

Machine Locations

American Fun Center - Troy/Oakland
City: Troy
Region: Michigan
Pack    [Pump it Up Pro Series]
Difficulty Expert Hard Medium Easy
Type Single Double
Local Ranking
# Name Tag Score Entries Average (%)* Overall (%)**
1 PidG30n PJNN 143 94.04% 1.64%
2 admstyles ADAM 114 98.17% 1.36%
3 UAC.Shadowlord FNAR 112 98.75% 1.35%
4 lamont248 LSD! 91 87.94% 0.97%
5 IHateBar XAZE 83 94.74% 0.96%
6 madman KLNG 74 95.78% 0.86%
7 Sparkster MIKE 73 93.12% 0.83%
8 Hiro Konobu HIRO 60 86% 0.63%
9 Dan Dee DEEZ 42 93.69% 0.48%
10 Itachi0987 Mark 39 84.82% 0.4%
11 lamontsd90 LSD! 36 89.15% 0.39%
12 DDRShampoo KITN 32 90.61% 0.35%
13 OhNoezNSMB NSMB 27 81.38% 0.27%
14 SafeTinspector SAFT 20 80.45% 0.2%
15 Euroslavia EURO 17 83.37% 0.17%
16 bestknownlee lee 15 91.34% 0.17%
17 DAYH4CK DAY 7 79.17% 0.07%
18 bad@nobar BAD? 5 95.24% 0.06%
19 MikenekoPi Pi 3 83.48% 0.03%
20 Laundry LNDY 3 71.28% 0.03%
21 Ellendar LNDR 2 79.53% 0.02%
Minimum of 1 entries required to appear on ranking.
* Average (%) - factors in songs with score entries only.
** Overall (%) - factors in every song.