• GrooveStats is a web site dedicated to tracking scores for In the Groove, and Pump It Up Pro, dance simulation games.
  • Primary features
  • Public online score submission
  • Automated score entry via USB flash drive data
  • Player vs Player comparison charts
  • Global and Regional rankings

Machine Locations

Scarborough Town Center
City: Scarborough
Region: Ontario
Pack    [Pump it Up Pro Series]
Difficulty Expert Hard Medium Easy
Type Single Double
Local Ranking
# Name Tag Score Entries Average (%)* Overall (%)**
1 Figgy20000 FIGY 198 97.32% 2.34%
2 newblue22 NB22 115 98.95% 1.38%
3 6T9 6T9 110 95% 1.27%
4 GQ.BabyPichu PChu 107 91.38% 1.19%
5 Pocky-kun Phil 87 88.93% 0.94%
6 kenqu000512 KENQ 64 89.78% 0.7%
7 Beast Boy FCUK 46 90.07% 0.5%
8 ARROW Dynamic FML 32 79.32% 0.31%
9 Voxeey KEL. 25 86.68% 0.26%
10 Gelo A! 8 96.2% 0.09%
11 TD.Jess Jess 4 98.42% 0.05%
12 LoveHaters L0VE 1 70.73% 0.01%
Minimum of 1 entries required to appear on ranking.
* Average (%) - factors in songs with score entries only.
** Overall (%) - factors in every song.