DJ Sterf's Profile
User Name:
DJ Sterf
Machine Tag:
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Total Quads/100%s:
Play Style:
Sometimes Bar
Member since:
September 24th, 2005
Last Profile Update:
May 9th, 2011
ABCs of Salvation (Kind of a brief summary of following Jesus):
Admit that you are a sinner
Believe in God's Son -- His Life, Death, and Resurrection
Commit your life to Him and receive His forgiveness, love, and newness of life.
Why did Jesus die?
- We disobeyed God --> God is JUST, so He will punish those actions. God is also HOLY, and nothing impure or stained by sin can dwell in His sight.
- God provided an animal sacrifice -- He is MERCIFUL, providing a for-the-time sacrifice in our place. These had to be done over and over again, as they were not a like-for-like payment.
- God provided His Son Jesus -- He is SACRIFICIAL and LOVING. He sacrificed Jesus, who lived a sinless/spotless life, and as a result, He could take our place and exchange His Righteousness for our Sinfulness.
- God has put the ball in our court -- it's up to us to respond in faith -- will we accept this sacrifice and be forgiven, or will we have to experience the wrath of God on our eternity? This sacrifice is for the purpose of bringing us, who are headed to Hell in a handbasket, back to God. By all means, grab hold!
Some good reading is John 14. Jesus knew who He was. Do you believe He is the way back to God?
I have almost everything quadded on the game, but I haven't updated since my first playthrough, so the scores on here = lol. Some were also done on Nickel City's machine, which was the worst thing ever. They upgraded a 5th mix in bad condition to ITG2. Three of the arrows were custom-made, too. Whew.
Anyway, as for what I do? I tell people about Jesus. I'm a pastor of a church in NC and do evangelistic tours around the USA. Perhaps that'll go international at some point. But if you want me to do some kind of preaching in your area, send me a message. Ballin'
DJ Sterf's Recent Scores:
Song Name | Score (%) | Pack | Date Submitted |
! Expert (12) Sgl |
100.00 | In the Groove 2 | 4/01/2011 |
The Beginning Expert (11) Sgl |
99.39 | In the Groove | 3/11/2008 |
Hardcore Symphony Expert (11) Sgl |
99.38 | In the Groove 2 | 2/28/2008 |
Hardcore of the North Expert (12) Sgl |
98.53 | In the Groove | 2/09/2008 |
No1 Nation Expert (9) Sgl |
99.74 | In the Groove | 2/09/2008 |
airspiritx, Ava Adore, Bigfoot, Boxy.stg, Brendino, C Jota, canmewda, CartoonHero, Cerecel, Chibi-chan, Colorblind.Seiteki, darksyde.stg, DDErik, DEFX132, DjStunna, Ekim, ElPapaCosmico, etchasketch, FEPJ.gangsta, Fourteen Crosstown, frumpytuin, Ftahdr, Gordo, gradhoney18, HF230, hurtpiggypig, Irish, Ixion, jacob_foster, JAKZ, JanjanBaby, Jboy.VictoryDance, Katya197, kModz, KR.bbqfatman (team 9s), lightdarkness, LPTyger, mattwestm, McPot, Mircatfly, Nightmare.Seiteki.BSM, Polar Bear, Prodigy, Psionic Storm, Qtip, Random Negro, realitydefiler, RhythmIO, Roaddogg, Ruzy, rynker, SAC.Razor, SakuraDragoon3, sean, SirTom, SonGohanX, Squeakz, The Annoying Rmt Kid, Tripp, V-Ray, Vision, Waddle Dee, Wolfen, Wolfman2000, xDavidxMoFox, YoUNg J3FFrY
(66 total)
Friend Of:
airspiritx, Ava Adore, Bigfoot, Boxy.stg, Brendino, C Jota, canmewda, CartoonHero, Cerecel, Chibi-chan, Colorblind.Seiteki, darksyde.stg, DDErik, DEFX132, Ekim, Elixir of Silence, ElPapaCosmico, FEPJ.gangsta, frumpytuin, Gordo, gradhoney18, HF230, hurtpiggypig, Irish, Ixion, jacob_foster, JAKZ, Jboy.VictoryDance, Katya197, kModz, KR.bbqfatman (team 9s), lightdarkness, LPTyger, McPot, Mircatfly, Nightmare.Seiteki.BSM, Polar Bear, Psionic Storm, Qtip, RhythmIO, rynker, SAC.Razor, sean, SirTom, Squeakz, Tripp, V-Ray, Vision, Waddle Dee, Wolfen, Wolfman2000, xDavidxMoFox, YoUNg J3FFrY
(53 total)
Single | In The Groove 1 & 2 Overall Percentages | Double | |
Expert | 99.04% | 0.00% | Expert |
Hard | 20.12% | 0.00% | Hard |
Medium | 3.63% | 0.00% | Medium |
Easy | 1.46% | 0.00% | Easy |
Total | 27.95% | 0.00% | Total |
Single | Overall Percentages: ITG Courses | Double | |
Intense | 7.12% | 0.00% | Intense |
Normal | 4.07% | 0.00% | Normal |
Survival | 21.22% | 0.00% | Survival |
Total | 7.14% | 0.00% | Total |